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SECTION 1. NAME: The name of the organization shall be "FLYING WHEELS MOTORCYCLE CLUB", a non-profit organization.

SECTION 2. PURPOSE: The purpose of the organization shall be to promote interest in motorcycle riding and to encourage fellowship among its members.

SECTION 3. The Flying Wheels Motorcycle Club defines a motorcycle as a 2 or 3 wheel vehicle where the rider and passenger straddles the vehicle which is controlled with  handlebars. Two wheeled motorcycles equipped with a sidecar are accepted.



SECTION 1. Any person who is 45 years of age or older may become a member of the organization by:

A. Agreeing to comply with or being bound to the organization’s By-Laws, amendments, and Riding and Safety Guidelines.

B. Paying the annual dues .


A grace period of thirty days is given to all potential members/guests before having to become a member in good standing.


Members who have qualified as "Members In Good Standing" for a minimum of one year, shall, on their 80th birthday be designated as an "Honorary Member". Honorary Members shall no longer be required to pay dues, but shall retain all membership privileges.


Membership Revocation: A membership may be revoked by a 2/3 majority vote of the administrative officers when a members actions are deemed to be detrimental to the safety and/or well being of the club.


SECTION 2. Membership Dues:

Dues shall be fixed by the Board of Directors and approved by the membership. Dues are paid in advance of the following year and shall be payable on December 1st. A late charge of $5.00 shall be assessed on all payments made after December 31. New member dues shall be set at $20 to include a name badge.

SECTION 3. Privileges:

All members in good standing shall be entitled to:

A. Attend meetings of the membership and exercise one (1) vote on all matters coming before the membership and shall be eligible to vote for nominees in the election of Directors.

B. Participate in cycle rides and all events sponsored by the organization.

C. Inspect the records kept by the organization at any reasonable time.

D. Receive a copy of the Clubs By-Laws and Riding and Safety Guidelines.

E. The above is not intended to limit participation of guests.




SECTION 1. Annual Meeting:

The annual meeting of the membership shall be held during the month of December each year for the purpose of:

A. The election of Officers for the coming year beginning January 1st.

B. The election of the Board.

C. Receiving reports from officers,

D. The transaction of such other business as may come before the board.


SECTION 2. Special Meeting:

A special meeting of the members may be called by a majority of the Board of Directors or by ten (10) per cent of the members in good standing.


SECTION 3. Notice of Membership Meeting:

Notification of all Annual Meetings or Special Meetings shall be made not less than ten (10) days before the date of the meeting and shall state the purpose of the meeting.


SECTION 4. Quorum:

Ten (10) per cent of the members in good standing shall constitute a quorum at any meeting. A majority vote of those present shall be sufficient to determine any matter and transact any business.




SECTION 1. General Powers:

The affairs and management of the organization shall be under the control of the (4) elected Officers and the Board of Directors, which shall consist of six (6) members.


SECTION 2. Qualifications and Tenure:

Any member in good standing is eligible to be elected by a simple majority of those voting. An elected director shall serve a term of three (3) year and will assume office on January 1st of the coming year. Two (2) Directors will leave the Board at the end of the first year and two (2) in each succeeding year. New Directors will be elected by the membership to fill the vacancies each year. An elected Director may serve a maximum of three (3) consecutive terms.


SECTION 3. Nominations:

It shall be the duty of the Board of Directors to appoint, not less than sixty (60) days prior to the annual meeting, a nominating committee of three (3) members in good standing. The Nominating Committee shall make known the selected nominees to the Board of Directors at least thirty (30) days prior to the Annual Meeting. Nominations may also be made from the floor.


SECTION 4. Vacancies:

Vacancies occurring on the Board of Directors may be filled by appointment of the Board of Directors until the next annual meeting. Such an appointed director shall be eligible for election to a full term at the next annual meeting.


SECTION 5. Compensation:

Directors and Officers shall not receive any salary or other compensation for their services.


SECTION 6. Rules and Regulations:

The Board of Directors shall have the power and the responsibility to adopt such rules and regulations as they deem advisable and are consistent with the By-laws of the Organization.


SECTION 7. Accounting: The fiscal year of the organization shall begin January 1st and end December 31st.




SECTION 1. Regular meeting of the Board shall be in January or as part of the Annual Meeting.


SECTION 2. Special Meeting: Special meeting of the Board may be called by the President or by any three (3) Directors.


SECTION 3. The Secretary shall notify the Directors at least 5 days prior to all special meetings, and their agendas.


SECTION 4. A majority of the Board Members shall constitute a quorum for any meeting of the Board.




SECTION 1. The officers shall consist of a President, Vice president, Secretary, Treasurer and others as designated by the Board of Directors. The officers shall be elected by the membership during the annual meeting.


SECTION 2. Duties and Responsibilities: The officers and Directors shall be responsible for the normal duties as set forth below and for such additional duties as may be assigned by the Board from time to time.


A. The President shall:

1. Act as Chief Executive of the Organization. He shall be responsible to the Board but not have the power to bind the organization except as authorized by the Board of Directors.

2. Preside at all Board and Membership Meetings.

3. Be eligible for not more than three (3) consecutive one year terms as President.


B. The Vice President shall:

1. serve to discharge the duties of the President whenever the President is unable to do so.

2. Be eligible for not more than three (3) consecutive one year terms as Vice President.


C. The Secretary shall:

1. Record the minutes of all meetings.

2. Serve in the absence of both senior officers.

3. Be eligible for not more than three (3) consecutive one year terms as Secretary.


D. The Treasurer shall:

1. Have custodial responsibility for all club assets.

2. May assign the club inventory to a club member.

3. Maintain the club roster.

4. Be eligible for not more than three (3) consecutive one year terms as Treasurer.


E. Board of Directors shall have overall responsibility for financial management, management of all club activities and the assignment of chairpersons to head other activities such as Safety, Public Relations, Publicity, Special Events, etc.



Meetings shall be conducted under Roberts Rules of Order.



The FLYING WHEELS MOTORCYCLE CLUB, it’s officers and/or members shall not be held liable for any accidents, injuries, damages, and/or loss of property which may occur during club rides and functions.



These By-laws may be amended or modified by two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of a quorum at any membership meeting provided that such proposed amendments or modifications have been made known to the membership 30 days prior to such meeting.



The FLYING WHEELS MOTORCYCLE CLUB has adopted the “MOTORCYCLE SAFETY FOUNDATION’S” handbook on riding tips as it’s standard for promoting good and safe riding disciplines for its members.


Safety is everyone's responsibility! Each rider is responsible for themselves, their passenger, and the safe operation of their bike, so they don't endanger themselves or anyone else. All members should be concerned with safety and should ride as safely as possible.


Group rides have a Ride Leader and a Tail Gunner. The Ride Leader plans and leads the ride and the Tail Gunner stops to assist any members who have problems.


Riding in an unsafe manner can cause injury to you or someone else. Therefore, if a member observes another rider riding in an unsafe manner, it is your responsibility to address the safety concern as soon as practical. Safety issues that can't be resolved between the members should be forwarded to a member of the club's executive committee for further review.

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